Wednesday, March 22, 2023


The New York Times ( is the best known newspaper in the United States. It has an expansive website covering national and international news. There are dozens of sections of information, such as sports, business, books, health etc. It also has a world renowned group of opinion writers, most of whom write from a liberal and very progressive viewpoint. Along with its rival the Washington Post, it represents the old school “liberal” branch of American news reporting. Even though my father is a conservative, he is a New York Times fiend. He has had a subscription to the New York Times for decades and he will often discuss articles he has read with our family. The site has an average of 552,000,000 visits per month.

The Wall Street Journal ( newspaper has been the primary voice for 

the business and conservative communities in the United States for the

past 100 years. It has 78,000,000 average visits per month. It has an extensive

business focus. Its opinion writers have a conservative/pro-business viewpoint.

In the United States, Fox News ( is the primary cable news

network for conservatives, who represent about 30% of the US population.  

Their ability to be the loudest voice for conservatism has allowed the website

to garner 314,000,000 average visits per month.  

ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network) (

is the best known website in the United States for sports articles

and viewing. It is the go-to site for all sports news. Its many TV networks,

which are also covered on the website, allow for virtually every sporting

event in the United States and around the world to be viewed for a fee.

It has 402,000,000 average visits per month.

I check this site several times a day.

NPR (National Public Radio) ( is the largest network of public radio

stations in the nation, with almost 24/7 news and opinion programming. Its

website mirrors the news reporting that it provides. It has 103,000,000 average

visits per month. It also provides an informative 5 minute news broadcast

which is updated each hour. 

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