Sunday, April 30, 2023


 I watched the Frontline program for the entire 2nd hour and all of the dialogue was frightening. The program can be summed up as two equally scary topics: (1) China and the USA are in a two way race to see who will control AI. There is also a chance for a third outcome that instead of one country winning, that the world will split into two parts like the Cold War-where countries either support China or the USA-they will either support individual freedom or government control. China is doing a lot to strengthen its hand by providing the “Old Silk Road/Belt and Road Initiative ''–aid to poor countries around the world (building soccer stadiums, roads and office buildings) and with that, providing them with surveillance technology which will further allow those nations to control their citizens.

 This AI race between the two countries is between freedom and 1984-like control through government surveillance. (2) Before we pat ourselves on the back and think this is like the race to the moon against Russia and we are the “good guys”-look who is playing on our team. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and the other tech giants promoting AI in the West care ONLY about massive corporate profits in the short term and have no interest in our freedom unless it improves their bottom line. They have used all of their expertise toward “surveillance capitalism”, to mine our web experience for data that they can sell. Their data predicts what we will think and do next-not to make our lives easier but to sell that data to advertisers.

As one speaker put it in the Age of AI documentary (click to watch, it is very fascinating!), we thought we were using Google (Facebook, Microsoft, etc.) when, in fact, they are using us! By predicting our dreams, thoughts and actions through data, they have true power over our lives. Furthermore, there is valid concern that the same data allows the purchaser (Cambridge Analytica) to influence voters and the outcome of elections, especially when our country is already so closely divided and sharply partisan. 

It is humbling to hear that AI in the form of automation will impact 50% of current jobs and most of those are entry level jobs which disproportionately impact women.  While there is evidence that AI can replace/automate some routine actions (who wouldn’t want an automatic vacuum that cleans your home with no work on your part-until you realize that now Amazon knows every inch of your home and its square footage), there are many entry level jobs (fast food cashier, bagger for Amazon online orders) which will be completely replaced by AI. The AI machines will work 24/7 and 365 without complaint, tardiness, illness, family crises or mental health issues. There will be an entire social class of people left behind financially, inequality will continue to rise, and the rich will continue to get richer.

The local UAW (United Auto Workers) President interviewed said he was scared that the end result will be that there will be no middle class. This will be the ultimate Marxian battle between capital and labor. AI will exacerbate the inequality that is already a huge problem for our nation. Without thoughtful care (in short supply in Washington, D.C.) of the moral considerations and the bedrock principles of our democracy, it will lead to social unrest, as a larger percentage of the country sees absolutely no way to improve their income and future prospects. Social unrest could give an even stronger voice to government control through surveillance, as advocated by the Chinese. While AI will offer us some convenience, it will come with a real threat to our freedoms and way of life, and we will likely be too apathetic to challenge the changes. 

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